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I'm Sarah B. Cruz

and I am a Central Sterile Service Technician that is tired of 'the way we've always done it.' 


I started out as a Veterinary Technician and took a course in Central Sterile Service. I knew by the end of my second class that this was my calling! It was hard to leave a field that I had been in for many years, but I took the plunge.


However, there was a point in my CSS job in which I had grown stagnant and complacent. It was horrible. I felt stuck, uninspired, and unmotivated. I thought that maybe another profession would be the answer. I couldn't have been more wrong. I didn't want to do something else. 

I needed to DO MORE.


I was treating this profession like a job and not a career. There were a multitude of resources, education, and mentors available, if I only took the chance to look! Now both eyes are wide and the gears are moving and I can't stop to look back.


Best. Decision. Ever.


I am passionate about Central Sterile Services. There is so much opportunity and growth in the field; not only to me, but to technicians like me that want to give back and actively contribute to their passion


I put the CSS in my SUCCESS and I am eager to help technicians, new and experience, professionally develop their CS ambitions, so they can too!

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Sarah B. Cruz, Owner



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